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Basic Police Academy named STAR Police Training Academy by Ohio Attorney General


Butler Tech’s Adult Education Basic Police Academy is honored to receive the “STAR Police Training Academy” designation from Ohio Attorney General, Dave Yost.

Ohio Attorney General Yost developed the STAR designation to encourage law enforcement basic training programs to raise the bar by going above and beyond the minimum requirements required to ensure officers receive the best training possible. Butler Tech Basic Police Academy is one of nine out of nearly 60 training programs in the state that has proudly earned the STAR title.

As part of the qualification process, The Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy conducted a review of the Butler Tech Basic Police Academy policies and methods.

Academies recognized by the STAR Program must meet at least a dozen extra criteria, which were established by a seven-member peer board. Among the extra measures, an academy is asked to:

  • Ensure that 85% of cadets eligible to take the State Certification Exam pass it.
  • Conduct periodic academic assessments – no fewer than four – to gauge the cadet’s retention of student performance objectives.
  • Provide training above minimum hours in three or more high-risk topics, for at least 15 cumulative hours.
  • Maintain or pursue the use of tech training/exposure for students, such as body cameras.

Such extra measures help better prepare officers, making them even more effective in serving and protecting their communities.