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High School

Butler Tech High School Information

students working

Butler Tech is the college experience before college.

Butler Tech has been an integral part of Butler County for fifty years. As one of the largest career technical schools in Ohio, Butler Tech offers high school and adult education students unparalleled career technical education. Both high school and adult education students benefit from diverse career training programs and in high school, critical academic coursework with many earning college credits and industry-recognized credentials.

Butler Tech’s reach extends to 11,000 students across four high school campuses, eleven associate school districts in satellite programs, and about 700 plus in full-time adult education, with nearly 15,000 individuals served.

The continued student success along with collaborative efforts with local employers demonstrate Butler Tech’s commitment to community and workforce development. This synergy ensures that our students are not only career-ready but also a vital part of the local economy’s growth and innovation.

Application & Enrollment Information

  • Butler Tech Application and Lottery Selection Process for All Campuses for the  2025-2026 School Year  

    The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), disability, age, religion, military status, ancestry, genetic information (collectively, “Protected Classes”), or any other legally protected category, in its programs and activities. Therefore, to ensure fair and equitable access to our programs, student acceptance into Butler Tech programs will be accomplished through a lottery selection and placement process. The lottery selection process will occur on-site at a Butler Tech Campus in February 2025.


  • आवेदन र नामांकन जानकारी
    Āvēdana ra nāmāṅkana jānakārī
  • معلومات التطبيق والتسجيل
    maelumat altatbiq waltasjil


BT High School Information

  • Your laptop computer

    If you are a full-time student on one of Butler Tech’s high school campuses, you will receive a laptop computer when you begin your program. It will be yours to use for the entire time you are in the program, and in most cases, it will belong to you after you complete your program at Butler Tech.

    About the computer

    Your computer is a fully functioning laptop that uses the Microsoft Windows operating system. All computers will have Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) installed, along with the specialized software you will need for your educational program.

    Most courses will use the Schoology Learning Management System for school messages, homework assignments, calendars, schedules, tutorials, etc. Computers also will have wireless and wired Internet access.

    It’s yours when you graduate

    When you complete the program you will take ownership of the laptop free of charge if you meet these requirements:

    • Meet or exceed all graduation requirements
    • Complete your Career Technical Program
    • 95% attendance rate during the final year of the program
    • Once in the program, not suspended or expelled from the program

    If you qualify to keep your computer free of charge, you will turn it back into the district to be refurbished to its original condition, and it will be returned to you.

  • All students who attend Butler Tech will need to meet graduation requirements set by the State of Ohio. So, along with your career technical training, you will take traditional academic classes such as English, math, science and social studies. These classes will enhance both career and college opportunities.

    All of the courses at Butler Tech are at the college prep level. We also offer advanced courses and AP courses, and some foreign language courses. Students also have multiple ways to earn college credit at Butler Tech.

    Our high-performing students are eligible to join the National Technical Honor Society. It has the same high standards, testing and GPA requirements of the National Honor Society in your home school – but designed especially for technical career centers.

    We work to individualize our academic program to meet each student’s needs. If you need a course that is available only online, we will look for ways to make that work. What’s different about Butler Tech’s academic courses is that our instructors tie academic courses to your chosen career path, allowing you to see the practical application of what you’ve learned.

    For students who arrive at Butler Tech lacking required credits, we will create an intervention plan to recover those credits and help the student gain those missing skills.

    If students come with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) from a previous school, we have experts to help them as well. Butler Tech has intervention specialists and vocational special educators to support any child with special needs.

  • Butler Tech does not tolerate harassment, intimidation, bullying, or dating violence of any student on District property or at District-sponsored events. The Board’s commitment to addressing such prohibited behavior involves a multifaceted approach, which includes education and the promotion of a school atmosphere in which harassment, intimidation, bullying, or dating violence will not be tolerated by students, staff, or administration.

    Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means any intentional written, verbal or physical act, including those activities engaged in via computer or electronic communication devices, that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior both: (1) causes mental or physical harm to the other student; and (2) is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student. Dating violence means a pattern of behavior or actions where a person uses or threatens physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to control the person’s dating partner, including activities engaged in via computer or electronic communication devices.

    To report bullying or harassment, please complete the Bullying Incident Complaint Form. The form can be submitted to any school personnel. You are not required to include your name on the form and may submit a report anonymously.

    Bullying Complaint Form 

    For more information about the district’s anti-bullying policy, please see Board Policy 5517.01. Once at the site, click on the Policies tab and scroll to 13 – Student Support Services.

  • Butler Tech Career Initiatives provides career development opportunities to Butler Tech students and to the associate school districts that we serve.


    • Information to help students make informed education, military, and career-related decisions within the context of a global economy
    • Interest and skills assessments using OhioMeansJobs.com and other resources
    • Career advising to students in grades K-12, includes age-appropriate activities and grade-level examples that link students’ schoolwork to one or more career fields.
    • Job shadow and apprenticeship experiences
    • Mobile lab providing comprehensive, individualized, hands-on career assessment to students in associate schools
    • Resources for students to obtain up-to-date career and labor market information
    • Resources for students to obtain current post-secondary information and training options
    • Resources and support for developing soft skills and resumes
    • Maintain and run the eighth grade Butler Tech Career Lab, an onsite career assessment lab and tour

    Teachers, School Counselors, Administrators

    • Professional development opportunities
    • Curriculum integration support
    • Instructional help in the classroom
    • Training and access to career-related information and events


    • Access to career-related information

    Business, Industry, Community

    • Opportunities to be involved in career development activities and to be seen as a vital classroom resource
    • Employees who have both technical skills and 21st Century Skills

    CLICK HERE for Butler Tech’s Career Advising Policy on BoardDocs

  • Ohio’s College Credit Plus (CCP) program can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses while you are a student at Butler Tech. Taking a college course from a public college or university is free with the College Credit Plus program.

    Butler Tech has partnered with Cincinnati State and Sinclair Community College and Hocking College for this program. However, you can also take courses at other Ohio colleges and universities that participate in the College Credit Plus program.

    View or download the Butler Tech College Credit Plus Guidebook.

    Watch the information counseling session video & complete the CCP Intent form

    Participating in the informational counseling session and expressing your interest in participating in CCP classes by providing us with your information is a required step in the process.  Butler Tech school counselors will reach out to students who have expressed interest in participating or who have requested additional information.

    Annual Notice Information

    Counseling Session Information


  • Dining Services by AVI Fresh

    AVI Welcome Letter

    School meals will still be available to all students. Households may apply for free or reduced-price meal benefits starting 8/8/2023. Eligibility for free and reduced-price lunch is based on federal income guidelines or participation in other programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Ohio Works First. For additional information concerning the National School Lunch Program, please see the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fact Sheet (Fact Sheet Spanish).

    Click here for the “Make it a Breakfast” guidelines

    Our Breakfast Selection Includes:

    • Milk: A great source of calcium and vitamin D to support bone health.
    • Fruit: Fresh and packed with vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants.
    • Grain: Whole grains to provide energy and keep you feeling full longer.
    • Protein: Essential for building and repairing tissues and maintaining a strong immune system.

    How to Make It a Breakfast:

    1. Choose at least 3 items from the options available to ensure a balanced meal.
    2. Take at least ½ cup of fruit to meet part of your daily fruit intake recommendation.

    Click here for the “Make it a Lunch” guidelines 

    Our Lunch Menu Offers a Selection of:

    • Fruit: Fresh and full of essential vitamins.
    • Vegetables: A variety of colorful veggies to provide fiber and nutrients.
    • Protein: Quality protein sources to support growth and muscle repair.
    • Milk: Rich in calcium and vitamin D for strong bones.
    • Grain: Whole grains for lasting energy and digestion support.

    How to Make It a Lunch:

    1. Choose 3 or more food groups to create a balanced plate that satisfies and nourishes.
    2. Take at least ½ cup of fruit or vegetable to ensure you’re getting a good portion of your daily veggie and fruit intake.

    View Menus
    A QR code linking to schoolcafe.com/butlertechavi: Scan for more information about Butler Tech's high school offerings.

    A la carte Menu 

    For questions or additional information please contact Jeffery Harrison at 513-645-8316 or @ JHarrison@AVIFoodsystems.com.   

    No student is allowed to leave school premises during the lunch period without specific written permission from the Principal.   No fast food items are permitted to be dropped off during school hours.

    Students that may be eligible for free or reduced lunches are encouraged to complete an application.  An application for free and reduced lunches can be filed through the PaySchools Central portal.

    Free/Reduced Meal Application – 2024-2025

    You can now complete your Free/Reduced meal application from the PaySchools Central portal!

    Click here to complete the Free/Reduced Application

    Click here to view the Public Information Release Form

    Click here to view the Faith Based SFA USDA Notice to Beneficiaries

    Register for an Account

    1. From the PaySchoolsCentral home screen, click Register
    2. After you complete the registration form, you will receive an email to complete the confirmation process.
    3. Add your student or students. You will need their nine-digit ID and their legal first and last names.
    4. Once you have your PaySchools Central account set up, you can begin your application. You will have two ways to access the application:
      • Once signed on, you will see a popup with an option to complete your application.
      • Or you can always access the application from the menu options.

    Download Registration Instructions

    PaySchools Central QuikApps Guide

    Click here to view the Wellness Policy Assessment Tool: Wellness Policy Assessment Tool 2.26.24

  • You can now pay high school student fees online! We accept credit cards and ACH checks through our online payment portal.


    Register for an Account

    1. From the PaySchoolsCentral home screen, click Register.
    2. After you complete the registration form, you will receive an email to complete the confirmation process.
    3. Add your student or students. You will need their nine-digit ID and their legal first and last names.

    Download Registration Instructions

    Paying Fees

    After adding your student, they will appear as an icon at the top of the screen. Click the icon to see the fees associated with them. Click each fee to add them to your cart. When you are ready, click Checkout.

    Some fees may appear on your statement that do not apply, such as a Parking Pass Fee. If this fee does not apply, please do not add it to your cart.

  • You can now complete and sign high school forms online!


    You will need the student’s Butler Tech student number and their name to sign in.


  • When you enroll at Butler Tech, you remain a student of your home high school. That means you will graduate from your home high school and receive the same diploma as other graduates. The transcript of your high school record will be maintained by your home school district.

    Butler Tech holds a senior ceremony for graduates at the end of the school year. Students will receive a certificate for their career training program, as well as recognition for honors earned during the course of your study.

    Future Focus

    Though we do not expect that all of our students will enter Butler Tech with a clear college or future plan, we do expect that most of our students will leave us with one!

    College or Career Technical Education

    We have full-time college counselors who work with students on the application process, including support around the financial aid application process and exploring college options. If you have not yet thought about college as an option, that’s fine — we are here to help you identify which path is best for you and to support you in your efforts to follow that path!

    Many rewarding careers do not require a college degree. Butler Tech Adult Education offers many programs to help students earn industry credentials after high school.

    Entering the Workforce

    The skills learned in many of our programs allow students to enter the workforce with industry credentials right out of high school. You can work in a field you love without having to wait. Some students also use the skills they’ve acquired to earn better pay while pursuing additional education.

  • The Ohio Senate recently approved legislation requires that, if parents have not notified the school of their child’s absence, the school must contact the parent(s) within two hours of the start of school. To meet the timelines of this legislation, Butler Tech would like to make you aware of how this will impact the absences call(s) you will receive.

    Beginning February 1st, parents will receive an automated phone call that their child is absent, unexcused, under the following conditions:

    • The parent(s) of Butler Tech campus students did not report their child’s absence to the campus attendance secretary by 9:00 am.
    • If the Butler Tech campus student arrives at their campus at 9:00 am or later. Later in the day, you will also receive a second call indicating that your child was tardy, unexcused, to school.

    Please remember that any time a student is not in school during the school year will require a parent to report their child’s absence and the reason(s) for the absence. This should be done on the morning of the absence, before 9:00 am, via a telephone call or email to the campus attendance secretary. If this is not possible, parents should notify the school of the absence the day following via a written note.

    Additionally, students with excessive unexcused will be deemed “habitual truant” under existing law, which will require the district to follow several administrative procedures and legal solutions to ensure the student attends school regularly.

    If you have any questions or need additional information concerning your child’s attendance, please call the attendance secretary at your child’s school at 513-868-6300 or visit www.butlertech.org.

  • Schoology

    Student Login

    Student Tutorial

    Schoology for Mobile

    Schoology Mobile App Information   How to login to the Schoology app.

    Guidance on using the Schoology apps for iPads and iPhones, and on Android devices.


    Parent Login

    To register as a parent, you will need an access code from your child’s school.
  • OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal

    Ohio high school students now can earn recognition by showing they are prepared to contribute to the workplace and their communities. The OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal is formal designation students can earn on their high school diplomas and transcripts indicating they have the personal strengths, strong work ethic and professional experience that businesses need.

    To earn the OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal, motivated high school students must demonstrate certain professional skills required for success in the workplace. Students work with at least three experienced and trusted mentors who validate the demonstration of these skills in school, work or the community.

    The OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal is available for the graduating classes of 2018 and beyond and will be printed directly on Ohio diplomas and transcripts.

    Students interested in pursuing an OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal should talk to their career technical teacher and counselor and refer to the guidelines and resources on the Ohio Department of Education website.  Students are responsible for securing and managing the completion of the Student OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal Validation form, Part 1-Professional Skills Verification).  This completed form must be submitted to your school counselor no later than Monday, April 1st, 2022.


    Ohio Department of Education OhioMeansJobs-Readiness Seal Guidelines and Resources




  • Butler Tech offers summer school credit recovery and initial courses to students who currently attend a campus program and students who have been accepted to one of our campuses for the upcoming school year with counselor approval (courses are not open to students who only attend Butler Tech programs in our associate schools).  *Summer School courses are not NCAA-approved.

    Summer School will run from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, daily beginning Tuesday, June 10th to Tuesday, July 15th, 2025 (No class on July 4, 2025).

    Click here for more information and to register. 

  • Student Ambassadors are among the most energetic, involved, and passionate students at Butler Tech! They exemplify the very best of what Butler Tech has to offer by confidently representing their program, campus, and career technical education.

    Although each member of the Butler Tech Student Ambassadors is unique in their passion, purpose, interests, and background they all share one common thread – pride and enthusiasm for Butler Tech.

    Butler Tech Student Ambassadors play a crucial role in sharing their career tech experience with potential students, families, home school staff, community leaders, and elected officials. Through campus tours, special events, and genuine conversations, Student Ambassadors are one of the most trusted sources to provide student voice of the passion, purpose, and impact of Butler Tech.

    To learn more about the Student Ambassadors and how to apply visit: https://www.butlertech.org/student-ambassadors/

  • Providing medical care to a student is the responsibility of the parent or guardian and should not be assumed by the Butler Tech campus school. 

    Parents/guardians should make every effort to avoid the necessity of administering medications during the school day or during school-supervised extracurricular activities by arranging dose times around school hours or other methods discussed between the parent, licensed prescriber, and Butler Tech or Butler Tech campus nurse designee.

    Butler Tech and its employees assume no responsibility regarding any abuse or misuse of medication carried by a student.

    Please click this link to review the rules and procedures that shall apply regarding the administering of prescription or over-the-counter medications to students.

  • Bus Transportation 

    Transportation is provided by the home schools to and from Butler Tech regardless of the individual district schedule or plan for the school year. They will provide transportation five days a week as needed. Please contact your home school for schedule and location information.

    Student Drivers and Parking Passes

    A parking pass is required. The cost of a campus parking pass for the 2023-2024 school year is $50. You must complete and submit the forms below to your campus secretary to receive your parking pass.

    2023-2024 Butler Tech Parking Permit Application

    Butler Tech Permission to Transport Self Form

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, transportation will be provided by the home schools to and from Butler Tech regardless of the individual district schedule or plan for the school year. They will provide transportation five days a week as needed. Please contact your home school for schedule and location information.

  • Yes, a parking pass is required. The cost of a campus parking pass for the 2023-2024 school year is $50. You must complete and submit the forms below to your campus secretary to receive your parking pass.

    2023-2024 Butler Tech Parking Pass Application 

    Butler Tech Permission to Transport Self-Form

  • Email questions@butlertech.org – be sure to include your student’s full name, grade, program, and the email or phone number you would like added or changed.

Watch Our 50th Anniversary Video