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Taking medications at school

Providing medical care to a student is the responsibility of the parent or guardian and should not be assumed by the Butler Tech campus school. 

Parents/guardians should make every effort to avoid the necessity of administering medications during the school day or during school-supervised extracurricular activities by arranging dose times around school hours or other methods discussed between the parent, licensed prescriber, and Butler Tech or Butler Tech campus nurse designee.

Butler Tech and its employees assume no responsibility regarding any abuse or misuse of medication carried by a student.

The following rules and procedures shall apply regarding the administering of prescription or over-the-counter medications to students:

The following rules and procedures shall apply regarding the administering of prescription or over-the-counter medications to students: 

  • Written permission for the dispensing of medication (prescription and/or over-the-counter) must be obtained from the student’s parent/guardian and licensed prescriber.

  • Parents/guardians are responsible for initiating the procedure for medication administration during the school day. The parent/guardian will also be responsible for notifying supervisors, or the director of school-sponsored extracurricular activities, as well as the Butler Tech/Butler Tech campus nurse designee if there is a need for medication.

  • The appropriate “Authorization for Prescribed and/or Nonprescribed Medication/Drug or Treatment Form” must be completed by the parent/guardian and the licensed prescriber. The form provides parent permission, medical information, and the licensed prescriber’s order required by Ohio law. A separate form is required for each medication. New forms must be submitted each school year and for each change in medication and/or dosage. No medication will be administered unless this permission, information, and order are provided. Parents must provide a signed copy of the following form.

    Authorization for Prescribed and/or Nonprescribed Medication/Drug or Treatment Form


  • The student is responsible for reporting on time for medication administration.

  • Students are not permitted to carry any medication to, from, or during school (except emergency medications designated by the state such as insulin, albuterol, glucagon, and epinephrine). Consequently, the parent is advised to deliver medication directly to Butler Tech/Butler Tech campus nurse designee.

  • All medications must be delivered in the original container, be non-expired, and be properly labeled with directions for administration. Over-the-counter medications should be in the new and unopened packages in which they were purchased. The student’s name must be clearly visible on the container/packaging. The parent must supply the school with the exact dosage.

  • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure a continuous supply of medication for the student, as well as to be aware of the quantity of medication supplied to the school and when additional medication is needed.

  • The medication will be administered in accordance with the licensed prescriber’s instructions.

    Students MAY NOT carry or administer their own medication with the following exception:

    1. As allowed by State and Federal law, a physician may order that a student carry certain self-administered medications that may prevent a situation of the potential risk to the life or long-term disability.
    2.  Butler Tech or the Butler Tech campus nurse designee will be a member of the school team to discuss how this will be implemented.
  • All student medications will be securely stored in the designated clinic/office. The parent should supply additional emergency medications to the campus clinic/office in addition to the student’s self-carried medications.

  • The district medication policy and all procedures for implementing the policy also apply to giving Tylenol/Ibuprofen for menstrual cramps or discomfort from dental braces and/or giving any other over-the-counter medication (Tums, Gas-X, Lactaid, vitamin, etc.)

    All sections of the “Authorization for Prescribed and/or Nonprescribed Medication/Drug or Treatment Form” must be completed for any prescribed and over-the-counter medication.


  • When a medication has been discontinued, the parent/guardian must pick up any remaining medication within one week after discontinuation or Butler Tech/Butler Tech campus nurse designee, will dispose of it. By the last day of the school year, medication must be picked up by a parent/guardian or Butler Tech/Butler Tech campus nurse designee will dispose of it.