In Our Interns’ Own Words
Project LIFE Buffalo Wild Wings Work Site Spotlight 2020
LIFE SEARCH Intern Perspectives 2020
William's Intern Journey 2020
Kee's Intern Journey 2020
Dylan's Intern Journey 2020
At Butler Tech, we believe that all students should be given the opportunity to gain skills needed for a successful future.
About Our Transition Programs
Our transition to work and adult life programs provide students who receive special education services the opportunity to learn and enhance daily living and employability skills in real-world learning environments.
These job training programs are taught and coordinated by licensed intervention specialists who hold transition to work endorsements. In collaboration with skilled job coaches and adult service agencies, these programs use best practice instructional strategies that lead to positive post-school outcomes for students with disabilities. Combining individualized special education practices with hands-on job training opportunities gives program participants the skills they will need to gain and maintain inclusive entry-level community employment.
These programs are designed for students with disabilities, ages 18-21, who have met their high school graduation requirements, but who are in need of additional education and training, leading to future employment. Applications must be submitted in collaboration and agreement with the applicant’s high school IEP (Individualized Education Program) team.