
Adult Education

Need help paying for your education at Butler Tech?

Financial Aid for
Adult Career Programs

Several financial aid options are available for those who qualify.

You may qualify for federal financial aid for programs over 600 hours, scholarships, or other resources that are offered by many outside organizations. Explore the options listed below or call 513.645.8200 and schedule an appointment with our financial aid advisor who will guide you through the process.

View Butler Tech’s 2023-2024 Adult Program Cost of Attendance Budget

  • Butler Tech students are able to access financial assistance through many outside agencies:

    Ohio Department of Higher Education

    The Ohio Department of Higher Education has a Nurse Education Assistance Loan Program (NEALP). The program is based on need, and the maximum loan is $3,000. The borrower may be eligible for debt cancellation of 20 percent per year for five years (100 percent) if the borrower is employed in the clinical practice of nursing in the State of Ohio. Students beginning the program on or after July 1 must apply by June 1 of the current year. Students beginning the program on or after January 1 must apply by November 1 of previous year. For more information, call 1-888-833-1133 or visit www.ohiohighered.org/nealp.

    ImportantThere are deadlines for submitting this application. If you are interested in this loan, you must make sure that you send in the required paperwork to the Ohio Department of Higher Education by the appropriate deadline.

    Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA Grant) Career Connection (YOP)

    Funding options may be available from these agencies for students who qualify.

    Easterseals provides services to students 16-24 years old and Ohio Means Jobs manages the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) program.  Partial to total aid may be available to cover tuition, books and supplies.

    Contact your local Ohio Means Jobs office to see if you qualify for the WIOA grant that can provide either partial or total financial aid to cover the cost of tuition, books, and supplies for our programs.

    Contact Information

    Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)

    Funding may be available from this local agency for students with physical, mental or emotional disabilities that present a handicap to employment. Partial to total aid may be available to cover tuition, books and supplies. Contact your local or area OOD office. Information is available at www.ood.ohio.gov.

    Trade Adjustment Assistance

    Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) may be available for students who have lost jobs or had hours and wages reduced because of foreign trade. Contact your employer or a local Ohio Bureau of Employment Services office for more information.

  • The Friends of Butler Tech Scholarship is available to students enrolled in any full-time program. External Scholarship opportunities are also available through employers, nonprofits, foundations and other organizations. Butler Tech will work with scholarship providers to meet their requirements.

    Hamilton Community Foundation  Scholarships for Adults Returning to Higher Education

    Middletown Community Foundation  Scholarships for Non-Traditional Adults

    Practical Nursing  FA Davis Nursing Scholarship

    Commercial Truck Driving  Careers In Gear Trucking Scholarship

    Scholarships for Marine Corp children  Marine Corps Scholarship

    Contact Us

    Student Services

  • The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed into law March 28, 2020, provides almost $14 billion that will go directly to higher education institutions to support the costs of shifting classes online, and for grants to students for food, housing, technology, and other purposes.

    1. Butler Tech acknowledges that the district signed and returned the Funding Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act on April 15, 2020. Butler Tech has used no less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
    2. Butler Tech received $292,763 in Emergency Financial Aid Grants for students.
    3. As of 6/15/2020, the total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under section 18004(a) of the CARES Act is $146,809.42.
    4. Butler Tech determined that 230 students were eligible to received Emergency Financial Aid Grants under Section 18004(a) of the CARES Act.
    5. Of the 230 eligible students, 177 students received funds under Section 18004(a) of the CARES Act.
    6. Eligible students completed an online survey to verify need. Funds were distributed to the eligible students who confirmed their need.
    7. CARES Act announcement.


  • Qualifying Programs

    Students can apply for federal grants and loans for any of the following full time programs over 600 hours by filling out this FAFSA form. The Butler Tech school code to include on your FAFSA form is 015492. 

    • Practical Nursing
    • Medical Billing & Coding
    • Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (HVAC/R)
    • Industrial Maintenance Technology
    • Industrial Welding
    • Fire Rescue Academy
    • Paramedic Academy
    • Basic Police Academy

    Once you’ve completed your FAFSA form or need assistance completing it, contact us at 513-645-8200 to schedule an appointment with our Financial Aid Coordinator to review what funds are available to you.

    Federal financial aid opportunities include Pell Grants, Direct Loans, and PLUS Loans.

  • Thank you for your services to our country!

    Butler Tech offers the following programs approved by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for Veterans Education benefits :

    • Basic Police Academy
    • Commercial Drivers License Class A & B
    • Emergency Medical Technician
    • Fire Rescue Academy
    • Firefighter I & II
    • Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (HVAC/R)
    • Industrial Maintenance Technology
    • Industrial Welding
    • Medical Assistant
    • Medical Billing & Coding
    • Paramedic Academy
    • Phlebotomy
    • Licensed Practical Nurse
    • State Tested Nurse Aide

    If you have never used your Veteran’s education benefits you must apply online at https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/.  Once your application is approved by the VA, you will receive your Certificate of Eligibilty.  Your length of service and the chapter of benefit indicated on the Certificate of Eligibilty will determine how much the VA will pay for training. If you plan on using financial aid in addition to your VA benefits, you will also need to complete a FAFSA form.

    Chapter 33 (Post911) pays the school directly, so you are allowed to start a program without *full payment, if you can provide your VA Certificate of Eligibility in advance. All other chapters pay the veteran directly, so those students would either self-pay or have the option of applying for federal financial aid.

    If you have used your veteran’s education benefits in the past, you will need to complete VBA22-1995 Request for Change of Location or Place of Training

    For members of Selective Reserve, you will need to request from your commanding officer a DD-2384 Notice of Basic Eligibility (NOBE) form


    Additional Veteran Resources

    Veterans Benefits Administration 1-888-442-4551


  • This calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information (defined as estimated cost of attendance — including tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board (meals), and other related expenses — minus estimated grant and scholarship aid) to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year.



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