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2023-2024 Inclement Weather Guidelines


Butler Tech Secondary Students & Parents:

Although we are experiencing a relatively mild winter, there is a chance for inclement weather each year! With this in mind, the following are snow day/blended learning day guidelines, should the following scenarios occur:

Butler Tech secondary school campuses are closed due to inclement weather:

  • It is a Blended Learning day for all students. Students should complete remote learning as assigned.
  • Teachers will be available throughout the day to assist students as needed with assignments via Schoology, email, etc.

A student’s home school is delayed/closed due to inclement weather:

  • Delay: Students should follow their home school’s delay and arrive at their Butler Tech campus at the delayed start time.
  • Closure: The student may work from home and will be required to complete Blended Learning assignments.
  • If students have personal transportation and wish to attend Butler Tech, they may still attend campus.

If you have any questions regarding these blended learning days, please see your instructor.