Established in 1975, the black and white logo of Butler Technology and Career Development Schools conveys its commitment to education. About the emblem: it features a crest with gears, an atomic model, and an open book, all surrounded by laurel leaves and stars.

BT sees success with RISE Up Credential


No matter which industry or career field you’re working in, sales is always a necessity. Whether providing a product or a service, there are important communication and people skills that are key, and more than 900 high school students in Butler County are prepared for the challenge.

Butler Tech deployed a new training and credentialing program developed by the National Retail Federation (NRF) Foundation, called RISE UP. RISE UP stands for Retail Industry Skills and Education and is designed to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the retail industry. Additionally, the course allows the students to earn 12 industry credential points in a single career pathway helping students achieve success toward both graduation and a positive career future.

“The impact of RISE UP has been enormous,” shared Candance Sanchez, Butler Tech’s Traveling Credential Instructor. “Students who once thought they would not be graduating are now walking across the stage and beginning their adult lives…this includes students who would not otherwise be afforded the opportunity to access credentialing opportunities through typical career tech education pipelines.”RISE UP stats for Butler Tech 2023

The RISE Up program is offered to students on Butler Tech campuses as well as in numerous Butler Tech partner high schools and includes a series of courses that covers customer service, sales, and operations. The courses are available online and can be accessed from anywhere, making them convenient for the students. Once an individual completes the required courses, they can earn a credential through RISE Up which is recognized by retailers across the country, demonstrating that an individual has the skills and knowledge necessary to work in the retail industry.

Sanchez explained that in addition to serving multiple purposes for the students, one giving students an official document highlighting their credentialed qualifications, and two, the 12-point industry credential for graduation, RISE UP is also helping Butler Tech face capacity issues, allowing the opportunity to reach the greatest number of students. Particularly those who might not otherwise have access to and/or be able to take advantage of career tech education opportunities.

“Students are leaving high school feeling more prepared for the workforce. With the Rise Up program, students are also provided information on career opportunities with a direct line to Old Navy’s ONWard Program, which searches from Rise Up graduates to start on track for a managerial position,” explained Sanchez. “The goal is to continue reaching as many students as possible through this program and help them achieve success toward both graduation and a positive career future.  We hope to continue seeing growth in the number of students that we are able to help realize success year after year.”


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