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BT Students & Staff Honor our Veterans


On this Veterans Day, Butler Tech students and staff honor
all the people who served in the American armed forces.

Several weeks ago, a spark of an idea by Dorothy Keith, the secretary of the Natural Science Center, began to take shape. Dorothy shared her desire to create an honor wall of Veterans for those closest to the students and staff of Butler Tech. She solicited the names, photos, and artifacts of students, teachers, and administrators who have either served in the armed forces themselves or have family members who are or have served our country.

“I’m excited, we received 63 names and photos dating all the way from Veterans of World War I through to a 2001 Butler Tech graduate who is currently serving,” shared Dorothy.

With the help of several students from the Natural Science Center, including those in the National Technical Honor Society and Student Ambassadors, the display spans several walls and display cases and includes photos, uniforms, and other military memorabilia.

“I actually just received three additional names and photos yesterday,” admitted Dorothy. “I think as more people see the display they want to be sure that their loved ones are honored. So, we’ve decided to keep it up for the rest of the year so we can add to it as necessary!”


Thank you Dorothy for taking your vision and
teaching our students about Veterans Day, while honoring our armed forces.