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November BT Chain Staff Awards


We would like to recognize two outstanding Butler Tech employees
for their exemplary work and dedication to Butler Tech!



Crissy Lauterbach, Innovative Teaching & Learning Coordinator and Caleb Swelbar, Digital Media Instructor at Butler Tech/Northwest.
Crissy was awarded the BT Leadership Chain for her outstanding facilitation of the November 2nd professional development day for staff. The day highlighted student voice from adult education alumni, recognized BT staff for years of service, and focused on partnerships and collaboration with our local Chambers of Commerce and more than 40 local businesses.


Caleb received the BT Instructional Chain because he amplifies #StudentVoice by creating a space for students to give and receive feedback through peer critiques. Caleb also makes student learning visible by displaying work and students write reflections around both the process and product.


Congratulations to these BT Staff award recipients!