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Student Spotlight: Lachelle Dixon, BT to UC


Student Spotlight: Lachelle Dixon
Exercise Science
Class of 2022

Senior year is filled with lots of decisions and anticipation. Students are touring colleges, applying for jobs in their field, and anxiously wading through twists and turns that lead to their post-graduation plans. For senior Exercise Science student Lachelle Dixon from Colerain High School, the wait is over.

Lachelle was chosen as one of four new University of Cincinnati Bearcats to be welcomed in person as she received the news that she has been accepted to the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash campus to study Occupational Therapy. The Decision Day celebration marks the day that thousands of incoming students learn they have been accepted to the university. Lachelle is just one of more than forty Bioscience students who received word of their acceptance to UC this week.

“I was so surprised and excited. I never expected that in a million years I would be receiving an acceptance letter in person,” shared Lachelle, after she was presented her acceptance letter in front of all of the students at the Butler Tech Bioscience Center on Monday.  “I felt that I was in a movie it was so surreal. I couldn’t be more excited to become an official Bearcat in the fall.”

Lachelle credits her time at Butler Tech in helping her sort out her career choices and ultimately her decision to become a Bearcat.

“Butler Tech has prepared me for college life by treating all of us like college students,” said Dixon. “They have prepared me to be an independent thinker.”

Lachelle’s mother, Michelle Dixon, has complete confidence in her decision to attend UC and her future job goals.

“Lachelle has an internal motivation that pushes her to strive for her goals and to find a way,” Michelle explained.  “She has always been resilient and realistic when striving for her goals. Her ability to problem-solve and look at the bigger picture has been a driving force. Even when she comes face-to-face with an obstacle, she is able to center herself and look at it from all angles to find a solution. Lachelle is able to do all of this while remaining a beautiful person. That is why I think that she is able to push forward and succeed with her goals.”

After her time with Butler Tech and UC, Lachelle hopes to work in a hospital or pediatric facility as an occupational therapist.